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26-30 JUNI 2024


Stephanie Trick (pn), Paolo Alderighi (pn)

Det er os en stor fornøjelse igen at kunne byde velkommen til Stephanie Trick og Paolo Alderighi, som på utallige opfordringer optræder på Riverboat Jazz Festival til sommer.

Pionerer inden for brugen af ​​firhåndsklaver i jazzen, Stephanie Trick og Paolo Alderighi har opnået bred succes med deres arrangementer af klassikere fra stride piano, ragtime og boogie woogie traditioner såvel som fra swing-æraen og Tin Pin Alley-guldalderen. I de seneste projekter har de fokuseret på det repertoire, der blev skabt i en tid, hvor musicals var kernen i populærkulturen: Den klassiske Hollywood-biografperiode og Broadways gyldne tidsalder, da sangene skrevet mellem 1920'erne og 1960'erne repræsenterer et højdepunkt og kreativ gæring i amerikansk populærmusik. Klaverduoen, der blander upåklagelig teknik med moden musikalitet, har optrådt på tværs af USA, Europa og Asien og har vundet anerkendelse fra både kritikere og fans.

Stephanie Trick (fra St. Louis), en førende eksponent for "stridepiano", og Paolo Alderighi (fra Milano), en af ​​Italiens førende jazzpianister, mødtes på en klaverfestival i Schweiz i 2008. Tre år senere begyndte de at samarbejde om et firehånds klaverprojekt dedikeret til klassisk jazz, forberedelse af arrangementer af sange fra swing-æraen, samt trække fra ragtime- og bluesrepertoiret. Stephanie og Paolo udforskede formlen med firehåndsduetter på ét klaver, sjældent brugt i jazz, i deres første to albums, Two for One (2012) og Sentimental Journey (2014). Deres partnerskab fortsatte med Double Trio Live 2015 og Double Trio Always (2016), indspillet i pianotrio-indstillingen, men med to pianister i stedet for én. I 2018 udgav de deres første album på to klaverer, Broadway og More. Deres seneste projekt er et dobbeltalbum, I Love Erroll, I Love James P. (2020), og det indeholder kompositioner af to legendariske figurer fra jazzklaver, Erroll Garner og James P. Johnson.

Firehåndsklaverduoen har optrådt på en række forskellige steder, herunder Gilmore Keyboard Festival, Jazz at Filoli, Musical Instrument Museum i Phoenix, Kobe Jazz Street Festival i Japan, London Jazz Festival, Edinburgh Jazz & Blues Festival , Ascona Jazz Festival i Schweiz, Silkeborg Riverboat Jazz Festival i Danmark, Bohém Ragtime & Jazz Festival i Ungarn, Teatro Dal Verme Milano, Jazzland i Wien, Jazz Bistro i Toronto og andre jazzklubber.

Både Stephanie Trick og Paolo Alderighi har en baggrund i klassisk klaver. Stephanie dimitterede cum laude fra University of Chicago med en Bachelor of Arts in Music. Paolo har en grad i klaverudførelse fra Giuseppe Verdi-konservatoriet i Milano, Italien, og er også uddannet cum laude fra Bocconi University i Management of Arts, Culture and Communication. Siden 2008 har han undervist i et kursus på Bocconi med titlen "Music and Society."

Stephanie og Paolos dedikation til jazz og repertoiret af tidlig amerikansk populærmusik ledsages i lige grad af et ønske om at dele dens rige historie, og de optræder også på skoler og universiteter, da de tror på vigtigheden af ​​pædagogisk udbredelse. Deres programmer spænder fra forelæsninger og koncertlektioner til masterclasses for studerende i alle aldre med fokus på forskellige emner, såsom "History of Jazz", "Early American Popular Music", "Musical Improvisation", "Blues and Boogie Woogie, ""Ragtime and Stride Piano", "Music Appreciation", "Skæringspunkter mellem jazz og klassisk musik", "Music and Technology", "Women in Jazz, Ragtime og Popular Music" og "History of Broadway and Hollywood."

De har arbejdet med en række forskellige institutioner, herunder følgende: Eastman School of Music, University of Mississippi, Colburn School (Los Angeles), University of Santa Barbara, Syracuse University, Tri-North Middle School og Templeton Elementary School (Bloomington, Indiana), Tokyo Nihon University, Tel Aviv Museum of Art, Bocconi University (Milano) og andre.

“Jeg elsker at høre Stephanie og Paolo sammen. De er en inspiration. Sådan sympatisk! Sådan frem og tilbage! Hver for sig er de fantastiske musikere – det har vi vidst, men sammen spiller de 4-håndsskridt, da det aldrig er blevet gjort. Brava, bravo!"

– Dick Hyman

"Det er usædvanligt at høre en klaverduet, der spilles af fire hænder på kun ét klaver. På en eller anden måde klarer Stephanie Trick og Paolo Alderighi denne næsten umulige bedrift uden at komme i vejen for hinanden. Deres spil er meget komplementært og gensidigt inspirerende med masser af Fyrværkeri mærkes undervejs. I deres individuelle karrierer og sammen i dette samarbejde holder Paolo og Stephanie den rige arv fra ragtime, stride piano og swing i live, frisk og kreativ. Deres CD er en fornøjelse fra start til slut."

– Scott Yanow

"Stephanie og Paolo, svælge i en smuk lethed ved at være på et smukt udvalg af sange, tempoer og tilgange"

– Michael Steinman


Pioneers in the use of four-hands piano in jazz, Stephanie Trick and Paolo Alderighi have earned widespread success with their arrangements of classics from the stride piano, ragtime, and boogie woogie traditions, as well as from the Swing Era and the Golden Age of Tin Pan Alley. In recent projects, they have focused on the repertoire created during a time when musicals were at the heart of popular culture: the Classical Hollywood Cinema period and the Golden Age of Broadway, since the songs written between the 1920s and 1960s represent a high point and creative ferment in American popular music. Blending impeccable technique with mature musicality, the piano duo has performed across the United States, Europe, and Asia, winning the acclaim of critics and fans alike.

Stephanie Trick (from St. Louis), a leading exponent of stride piano, and Paolo Alderighi (from Milan), one of Italy’s foremost jazz pianists, met at a piano festival in Switzerland in 2008. Three years later, they started to collaborate on a four-hands piano project dedicated to classic jazz, preparing arrangements of songs from the Swing Era, as well as drawing from the ragtime and blues repertoire. Stephanie and Paolo explored the formula of four-hands duets on one piano, rarely used in jazz, in their first two albums, Two for One (2012) and Sentimental Journey (2014). Their partnership continued with Double Trio Live 2015 and Double Trio Always (2016), recorded in the piano trio setting, but with two pianists instead of one. In 2018, they released their first album on two pianos, Broadway and More. Their latest project is a double album, I Love Erroll, I Love James P. (2020), and it features the compositions of two legendary figures of jazz piano, Erroll Garner and James P. Johnson.

The four-hands piano duo has performed in a variety of venues, including the Gilmore Keyboard Festival, Jazz at Filoli, the Musical Instrument Museum in Phoenix, the Kobe Jazz Street Festival in Japan, the London Jazz Festival, the Edinburgh Jazz & Blues Festival, the Ascona Jazz Festival in Switzerland, the Silkeborg Riverboat Jazz Festival in Denmark, the Bohém Ragtime & Jazz Festival in Hungary, Teatro Dal Verme Milano, Jazzland in Vienna, Jazz Bistro in Toronto, and other jazz clubs.

Both Stephanie Trick and Paolo Alderighi have a background in classical piano. Stephanie graduated cum laude from the University of Chicago with a Bachelor of Arts in Music. Paolo has a degree in Piano Performance from the Giuseppe Verdi Conservatory in Milan, Italy, and also graduated cum laude from Bocconi University in Management of Arts, Culture and Communication. Since 2008, he has been teaching a course at Bocconi entitled “Music and Society.”

Stephanie and Paolo’s dedication to jazz and the repertoire of early American popular music is accompanied in equal measure by a desire to share its rich history, and they also perform in schools and universities, as they believe in the importance of educational outreach. Their programs range from lectures and concert lessons to master classes for students of all ages, with a focus on various topics, such as “History of Jazz,” “Early American Popular Music,” “Musical Improvisation,” “Blues and Boogie Woogie,” “Ragtime and Stride Piano,” “Music Appreciation,” “Intersections of Jazz and Classical Music,” “Music and Technology,” “Women in Jazz, Ragtime, and Popular Music,” and “History of Broadway and Hollywood.”

They have worked with a variety of institutions, including the following: the Eastman School of Music, the University of Mississippi, the Colburn School (Los Angeles), the University of Santa Barbara, Syracuse University, Tri-North Middle School and Templeton Elementary School (Bloomington, Indiana), Tokyo Nihon University, the Tel Aviv Museum of Art, Bocconi University (Milan), and others.

“I love to hear Stephanie and Paolo together. They are an inspiration. Such sympatico! Such back-and-forth! Individually they are marvelous musicians—we’ve known that, but together they play 4-handed stride as it’s never been done. Brava, bravo!”

– Dick Hyman

"It is unusual to hear a piano duet that is played by four hands on just one piano. Somehow Stephanie Trick and Paolo Alderighi manage this near-impossible feat without getting in each other’s way. Their playing is very complementary and mutually inspiring with plenty of fireworks being felt along the way. In their individual careers and together in this collaboration, Paolo and Stephanie keep the rich legacies of ragtime, stride piano, and swing alive, fresh and creative. Their CD is a joy from start to finish.”

– Scott Yanow

“Stephanie and Paolo, revel in a gorgeous lightness of being on a beautiful assortment of songs, tempos, and approaches”

– Michael Steinman