Enric Peidro (tsax), Jerome Etcheberry (trp), Richard Busiakiewicz (pno), Jesper Bodilsen (b), Martin Andersen (dr)
Although Spanish saxophonist Enric Peidro's sound and phrasing is deeply rooted in the swing-era, his approach is so natural and genuine that he has achieved great popularity, being acknowledged as a real “keeper of the flame” among the classic jazz lovers all over Spain and Europe. He's always been regarded in high esteem both by jazz critics and magazines as well as by jazz lovers, which have always appreciated his honest, genuine and unpretentious approach and invariably have pointed out the richness of his tenor sound and his knowledge of the classic jazz idiom.
He brings with him hand picked world class musicians from Great Britain, France, Spain and Denmark, making this band the cream of the crop in European swing.